Monday, June 20, 2011

Time for ENOUGH !

<<Location: Small room in an average apartment somewhere in Egypt
Time: in the early evening
Characters: #A middle aged women, #A middle aged man, and #A 12-year old girl

The scene starts with the women in the kitchen getting a cake out of the oven, while the girl is watching TV.
-- Child, turn off that TV and go prepare your stuff. Your teacher is about to come.
-- Yes, Mum.
The bell rang and it was the teacher, he saluted the mother and went to the girl's room to give her lesson of the day. Few minutes later entered the mother carrying a tray with tea and cake.
-- How’s that girl doing with you teacher.
-- She’s OK Ma’am, she just needs to study more and concentrate.
-- I keep telling her that, with your help she’ll get better, consider her your daughter.
-- I sure DO, Ma’am.
The mother gets out of the room and the teacher continues the lesson, then he gave the girl some essay to write. Little did she know, the girl started writing the essay non aware of the change in the look of her teacher's eyes, her father-like teacher's eyes, he slightly approached her, and started touching her, the girl went stunned, “What’s going on?!” she asked herself ! “What is he doing??!!!”... She wanted to scold him, shout, run away, SCREAM... But she was tongue tied.
Minutes passed and the teacher got out of the room, saluted the mother, and went on his way.

The girl remained in her room, she didn’t cry, she didn’t scream, and most importantly .. she didn't say a word, other than the stare in the emptiness, the panic look on her face, and the racing heartbeats in her chest, there were Deafening SILENCE.

The secret perched on her weak soul became heavier and heavier as years pass by and the little girl suffered lots of psychological issues, failed some years in school, turned into a lonely, introvert, and an extreme phobic person, She lost faith in everyone and everything. Suspecting even herself.

That little girl is now in her forties, married with children. Have a terrible trust issue and a very low self esteem, she despise men, likes to see them suffer, somehow hates her mother, and the image of that old incident in that small room never left her eyesight. >>

Sexual harassment is not only a physical act; it penetrates to the soul of the victim.
Sexual harassment is not a temporary act; it affects the victim her/his whole life.
Sexual harassment is not just a thing you do; it’s a crime you commit.
Sexual harassment is not an individual act; it’s a society’s responsibility.

If you are a person that is subjected to sexual harassment, raise you voice and say NO. If you are a person that is seeing someone who’s being sexually harassed, raise your voice and say NO. And if you yourself are a sexual harasser, stand to yourself and say ENOUGH. It’s not the teachings of any religion, and it’s not ethical, and not acceptable by any mean. Just STOP IT this instance.

NO to sexual harassment (#EndSH)

*Inspired by a true story

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Does it worth it ?!

In a sweet quiet morning, an old lady woke up, looked in the mirror to find only 3 hairs in her head. She smiled and said: “It’s OK; I’ll dye my hair today”. She did so and spent a wonderful day!

On the next day, she woke up, looked in the mirror to find only 2 hairs. She laughed saying: “Great, I’ll change my haircut today; I’ll split it in half”. She did so and spent a great day!

On the third day, she woke up to find ONLY one hair in her head, and then she said: “I’ll comb my hair backwards”. She did that and spent a fun, happy day!

On the following day, she woke up to find ZERO hair in her head, she cheered happily: “Marvelous! NOW, I won’t have to comb my hair ever again”!!!*

Bad things will happen, whether you like it or not – IT WILL – and you can’t control actions but what you can really control is your reactions to them. If you just took a moment to think it over and weigh down what do the screaming, yelling, and panicking will do for you? Nothing, absolutely NOTHING. They’ll just get you more chaotic and cause unwanted consequences. And you know what? Smart living is not about dodging the 10% of UNCONTROLLED bad incidents that occurs to you; it’s mostly about facing and containing the 90% CONTROLLED reaction you will choose. Remember how many times you had a fight over nothing actually, and you only discover that the moment you lose your friend over it, or even worse: your job. It’s all a matter of perspective of how you look to things and categorizes them; ask yourself: did coffee spelt on my pants worse ruining my whole day? Do this minor mistake worse breaking up? Do this small disadvantage opposite to multi advantages worse quitting my job? Trust me, if you could turn back time, you would have changed lots of decisions you’ve made out of anger or upset.

Silence is a very good trouble dodger, really, try counting from one to 10, 20, whatever it takes for you to calm down. Practice some YOGA. Learn breathing techniques. Mediate. Always think of alternatives: If I missed the bus, I’ll get the underground. If there’s no milk in the morning, I’ll have my coffee black. If I didn’t find my pink shirt, I’ll wear the white to work. And if live gave me lemon, I’ll make lemonade. It’s as simple as that.

If you thought about what has happened, you’ll lose the current moment, and if you thought about what will happen, you’ll lose the current moment. And even if you thought about the current moment, you’ll lose the current moment. It doesn’t work that way; you just need to be clever enough to balance how you learn from the past how to enjoy the present and plan for the future. That way you’ll skip much time fixing the past’s mistakes – which mostly wouldn’t help, just let it go man.  You’ll commit fewer mistakes in the present, and be prepared for whatever the future brings.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the PRESENT.



Wednesday, June 8, 2011


They say “Actions speak louder than words”, Well, unfortunately I *word* more than I *act*, guess we all do. How many times did I say am going to do this or that? For how long did I wait to take the initiative to go someplace new that I was dying to go to? “I want to go to this place” , “I want to call that person” , “It would be great if I read that book” , “Oh, I’d love to learn this language” , “I think I should attend that course” , “I need to practice that sport” .. Those are sentences going through my mind all the time. And I know in yours too, But did any of us did them all?? Hell no we didn’t. C’mon, I know every single one of us have his desires and interests but s/he is just too lazy to do it, just sitting there watching their life pass by and out of a sudden .. BAM: you’re too old to do most of what you wanted to.

And yeah, I give the best excuses for myself to convince her that am exerting some effort, either “it’s not worth it” , “I’d better do this or that” , “I need a *thing* buddy” , “I don’t have the time to do it” , Oh, and here’s my favorite interest crasher : “What’s the point ?!”. It’s words like these is what makes you lose your soul, your taste, your sense of humor, and eventually your LIFE essence. It’s the happy days that count the most, the days that you’ve learnt, met, or experienced something new is what really matters. So, from now on, please OH please, *act* more than you *word*. If you felt like diving, take a diving course. If you wanna read, go buy some books. A little exercising, Dude, go to the Gem. Want to practice YOGA, take it to the MAX. And if you want to learn some Spanish, Go to Spain .. Kidding J just get Spanish lessons – For now ;). Just EXPLORE life and embrace what she’s giving.

And you know what; you don’t have to wait for someone to encourage you to do any of these things coz you have yourself, and Oh boy are you more than enough. You must be yourself’s BFF and keep telling yourself that you CAN do it, believe me, one day you’ll do it .. On your own.

SO, from now on, whatever occurs to your mind, GO FOR IT, We only live once you know ;).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

E-GO !

Xanadu, what is xanadu ?? Xanadu is the dream that you woke up from smiling, it’s the girl you ever dreamed of loving, and it’s that gentleman who opens the door for you telling you how good you look tonight, that cute little baby with the most wonderful giggle ever.
We all have our fantasies, may be it did already come true, maybe it didn’t. Either way, you must be grateful that you have the ability to imagine, to dream. Where lots of others haven’t. And as much as you desire that dream or fantasy you’ll work harder to achieve it. And eventually, most of what’s going to stick to our mind is the road we took more than the destination we got, yeah?
So, here is my own version of my XANADU, my secret hideout place of all the fucked up reality we’re living through. I live here with the character of my alter ego, I just open the door with an invitation to a journey through my mind. I don’t promise you it’ll be pleasant, nor do I promise you it’ll be funny. All what I DO promise you is that IT’S GOING TO BE DIFFERENT.
Now we’ll have to buckle up, yeah, all set?? OK, we’re ready to go then.
Let’s dive in, hope you’d enjoy your journey ;). Peace and OUT.